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Showing 1 - 4 of 4
women at the bauhaus. groundbreaking modern female artists author.: Patrick Rössler, Elizabeth Otto publisher: knesebeck verlag 21,5 x 27,5 cm, 192 pages. , 200 abb.
notebook 100 years bauhaus | din a5 design leuchtturm 2019 A5, 251 numbered pages 80 g/m² paper | dotted lining
bauhaus imaginista. a school in the world english edition hrsg: marion von osten, grant weston publisher: scheidegger & spiess 24 x 30,5 cm, 312 s., 206 abb., bound
bauhaus now #3 | german from bauhaus to a school of schools publisher 100 years bauhaus, weimar, november 2019 annemarie jaeggi, wolfgang holler, claudia perren design stan hema, berlin 99 pages, paperback